In a departure from my usual photography related ramblings…… My 2 girls and several of my friends children have always worn amber teething necklaces, and apart from looking really pretty on girls and super cool on boys I actually believe they work to calm them during the tough times babes have when their teeth are coming through. The amber works when worn against the skin, rather than being chewed, as it’s a natural analgesic. How cool is that, using fossilised tree resin as a drug free pain reliever – see, told you I’m a bit of a hippy!
Anyway, I often get asked about them and have made quite a lot for friends and as presents. And a few people in Abu Dhabi have enquired about me making them – if you’re interested, then shoot me an email and I’ll get one run up in the few spare (ha ha!!) moments I have. Just as a disclaimer of liability. All the beads are hand knotted so if the necklace breaks the beads remain intact. They are meant to be worn by infants over 6 months old, and the longevity of the clasp (which is amber mounted) is dependent on how often you take the necklace off – not very often in the case of my girls!!!
Any questions, give me a shout, Kirsty x
helke - hmm, interesting…didn’t know that!
Danah - Hi there!
I would like to know if I can buy teething beads from you and how much, please?
Also, are you a freelance photographer? If yes, can you please give me more information. Your photos look amaZing 🙂
Kirsty - Danah, thank you for the lovely compliment. I’ve emailed you back some details. Hope to speak to you soon
Tracy - gorgeous, and looks just as cute on little boys too x
Majda - Hi,
I would like to know how much does this necklace cost for an 11 month babygirl, weight 7.7 kilograms and how long it takes I stay in dubai
Appreciate your reply
Philippa Jamieson - Hi I have a 9 month old baby who is teething. I would be interested in a Amber necklace.
Is it possible to have a couple made
Kind Regards
I live in Dubai
Mobile number 0502591396
Lucy Hanns - Hi Kirsty,
I am interested in the Amber Necklaces as I have heard a lot of positive feedback from them.
Would it be possible to purchase one for my 6 month old girl?
Many Thanks,
Lucy Hanns
Nalini - Hi,
how long would it take to get one and how much would it cost please.
I am based in Dubai.
Many thanks,
emma - They’ve been super. It might be too early to tell, but both of the kids have been way less irritable today. I haven’t given them any tylenol for teething pain, but they seem happy and pain free with the necklaces. Plus, the necklaces are adorable. I took the kids strolling in the mall today and got many compliments.
amberlady - Amber is incredible and unmatched in its natural healing powers – and not just for children. People have used amber for centuries for arthritis, respiratory infections including chronic asthma, as a stress reliever that interacts with the body’s nervous system and much, much more. Researchers and scientists have expounded on the exceptional ability of Baltic Amber to thwart infection and enhance immunity. Today, everyone is turning more toward homeopathic medicines – Amber is at the top of the list in it’s healing abilities. Do you own research and you will amazed at what Baltic Amber can do.
Tiffani - I would be interested in purchasing one. i live in dubai. What is the price and how soon could i get it?
Hamsa - I am interested in the Amber necklace, would it be possible to purchase one for my daughter, I would like to know how much it will cost and how long will it take to get it as I live in Dubai.
Beb Wright - Hi Kirsty,
I would like to purchase a amber teething necklace for my 6 month old son. How long will it take to make and what are the costs?
Deepa - Hi Kirsty..I know you’ve posted this in 2009 but I was wondering if you still make these amber 4 month old is suffering soooooo much cause of teething..please let me know if you still make them and what is the cost..
Manju - Hi Kirsty, Are you still making/selling Amber beads? Im looking for one for my 9 month old baby girl. Do let me know. Love, Manju
emma neil - HELP, i am desperate for amber beads for my son.
Are you in dubai??
please let me know how much for a necklace, and just out of interest a bracelte for a girl of 6
zara - Hi Kirsty ,
i am keen to pick up an amber necklace for my 20 month old daughter …i know ive jumped a bit late in the day …but the poor thing really suffers when her teeth pop out .
how does one go about it ….whr are you located / how much does it cost ? do you have options of stones .
do let me know 🙂
rachael - Hi
I live in Abu Dhabi and am desperate for an amber necklace ASAP!! I can’t bear seeing my little girl in pain …. have tried everything! Many thanks
adam - Hey there,
I’m not sure if you’re still in abu dhabi but if you are, would you be able to get me and my wife a necklace? Send me an email of how much it would be.