I knew I was going to love this family well before I met them – and of course I was right!!! From our very first conversation Mum had so many ideas for their shoot – and well, if you’re going to invest money in something you’ve got to invest a little time in making sure everything’s going to work out right haven’t you? I know, I know, there’s no accounting for kids moods on the day – but if you’ve got everything else sorted, believe me, these things just fall in to place! I could chat on about all that, but instead I’ll just let the gorgeous pictures of this gorgeous family speak for themselves….Tyra better watch out – Miss Alyssa can work the model poses – and Master Beni, well he can work a mean old serious pose, but then he’ll throw a smile your way… and then all the girls better watch out!
I was catching shots of the girls when I suddenly turned around and caught this one of Beni and Dad – Beni was busy watching Mummy and little sis interact – so adorable.Any regular blog followers of mine know that I love, love, LOVE pics like this – cuddles and hugs on the sofa and Mum and Dad watching on – the little connections that make families tick… look at Mum’s smile and you just know how great moments like this are.
You were adorable – and thank you for being so patient with me and looking after me when I was ill – meeting families like you makes it all worth while, Kirsty x
A - They truly are a beautiful family. From the oldest to the youngest. You captured them well!
LouLou - What a pair of adorable children, love the use of the parasol! Beautiful pictures
~SarahInParis~ - Oh my goodness what GORGEOUS children. Kirsty these photos of this family are just divine. The third one of the two kiddies together is my favourite. Great work!