I’m off on a trip, to cold and frosty England to spend my first Christmas there in 10 years – I am beyond excited about this – I can’t tell you how much I’m looking forwward to my Mums special Christmas treats!!!!
Last time we were in England I took these of my girls off on a trip of their own and as I never got around to blogging them it seems appropriate to do so now…
My little cutie pie – a battered old case and her biker boots = two of mummy’s fave picsThe pic on the right is what I have on my iphone case!!
Can you believe my Mum has all this old stuff in her attic? Now if only there was some way to get it back to Abu Dhabi… and a way to build an extension on our apartment!!!! Hmmmmm….I’ll share some more from this fun shoot while I’m away – and maybe some of our Christmas trip, though I have a feeling we’ll be a little more wrapped up than we were in the summer!!! Until then, Kirsty xx
PS to those families who haven’t yet seen a sneak peek, I’m so sorry – these last 2 weeks have been crazy and getting your galleries and peoples orders out was just higher up the list – but keep an eye out for the end of year review cos you’ll be featured there!
steph - Have a Merry Christmas Kirsty!
Nozomi - Gorgeous pics kirsty, my favourite to date. Gotto love the awesome props though! Had wonderered wherer they were from when I saw these pics featured last time on your blog as your iphone cover photo. Looks like The girls have just slipped back in time. Have a great Christmas!
Antonina - Love the styling here!
And we have all chances for white Christmas here this year, especially up North, so have fun (and brace yourselves, nothing seems to work here when it snows!)
Lena - Beatiful images as always Kirsty! And have a WONDERFUL time in cold and frosty England:)
Tara - I love love love these! Happy holidays! We will miss you. See you in the new year 🙂
Louise - Love love love!!!!! Have a wonderful time xxx