
Sweet girl | Abu Dhabi newborn photographer

Let me say up front – this was a favourite session- we sat around drinking coffee, then snapping a few photos, then chatting about travels, then snapping a few photos, then listening to Christmas songs drift up from the school next door (my own kids school no less), then snapped a few more, then tried to spot my kids in the playground from their balcony, then snapped a few more – and so the morning went on… Seriously, there’s nothing better than capturing family life as it really truly is – cornflakes and allAnd I always tell people that if they have thing that are really special to them then we should try and build them into sessions – this completely beautiful rug was a wedding present and I love that we got pictures of baby Sophie on it…

And I think we captured this new little family and their adorable love for each other just perfectly – I LOVE relaxed sessions where it’s just like we’re hanging out together… thanks for a happy morning celebrating your little Sophie, lots of love, Kirsty xx

I'm Kirsty Hello There!


Hi, I'm Kirsty, a lifestyle photographer and photography educator who lives in India. My approach to photography is to capture real life – with a little sparkle on top fueled by my obsession with pretty light. I want to treasure the moments that need to be remembered.

Grab a cup of tea and have a roam around my blog to see my photography style and ideas. (Check out the Details section up there on the menu bar, and the FAQ's for lots of info too). I post pictures on here from recent photo sessions, as well as some personal photo projects and some ramblings about life in general. Leave some love, check my page out over on Facebook to stay up to date, and come back again soon,

Kirsty xx

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