So, there are these 2 families – I’ve photographed them a few times between them – and both families are just called “Adorable” with a big capital A in my head!! I feel like I’m confessing my secret name for them here 😉 And it just so happens that the Adorables are sisters – so when they asked if they could have 2 family shoots, plus include their Mum and Dad, and have a few shots of ALLLLLLL of the ALLLLL together, and one of them had just had a new baby too…. well you know, with anyone else I’d have run screaming at the thought of that many people – but for the Adorables, it was always going to be a big YES!!! Here are the Adorables no.1!!
I don’t feel like I’m embarrassing them by confessing my secret name for them because I’m pretty sure most people that know them call them the same thing… until tomorrow, when I’ll blog Part 2… Kirsty xx