It’s Project 10 time already!!! Eeek!! We’ve only been back from our Spring Break travels a few days and I’ve hardly picked up the big girl camera since getting home so I delved into our holiday snaps for this edition – it was hard to know which day to pick – should it be one where we visited amazing Rajasthani Palaces? or when we went to Holi (ruled that out cos I just took far too many pictures!!) or maybe on our travels? Much as sightseeing is fun, the travel part is also fun so I decided on a day when we were travelling between places by train…. I have probably mentioned before but I am a huge train fan (geek??) I absolutely love to travel by train and I’m trying to infuse that into the girls too – with varying degrees of success!!
Down at the station, early in the morning…..
You can see another of my favourite train pics over here
Finally on the train!
Scenes from the train….
Her hair was still coloured from Holi (because my little rainbow girl refused to let us wash the rainbows out of her hair!!!!)
counting the cows she saw on the rail side on her fingers 😀
Rainbow bangles, and a rainbow unicorn tattoo – SO my Indy!!!!
Time to start monkeying around and climbing up the bunks!
They’re smiling because there’s a mirror behind my head – that’s what they’re looking at!!!
the chai walla
and we arrived at our next destination – tired and weary, but serenaded by a gorgeous sunset…
I hope I’ll find time to edit and share some more India pictures soon – Now please do head on over to see my lovely friend Kati of Kathryn Rose Images in the States and see what she’s been up to this month….. until May…. Kirsty xx
storyboxart - I adore these, Kirsty! It brings back some childhood memories of riding trains, sleeping in the bunks, drinking chai, spotting monkeys on rides… And your girls are just so gorgeous!
Sarah - In LOVE with these images!!! The girls are always gorgeous but I love that you showed some of India too without glossing it up – just fascinating
our project ten: april » robyn oakenfold - […] now you must go see my friend Kirsty’s day! […]
Summer Murdock - Kirsty, I cannot even tell you how looking at your images makes me want to pack up all four kids and go get on an airplane and travel the world. Pangs of jealousy here because I know it will not happen in my near future. Too many amazing images to pick a fav but I really love the one if your daughters pig tail blowing in the wind…I want to be one of your adoption out of the question?
robyn oakenfold - i just love these, and makes me want to travel the world with my family. i am very envious of all you and your girls get to see. it is such a wonderful gift you are giving them. and let me know if you are ever planning a trip to Canada 😉
Kati - WOW! To walk in your shoes. sigh…I wanna take that train ride! xx
gorete - Kristy, these are amazing and your girls are just darling. So beautiful!
el - Just beautiful. What an amazing adventure!!! Lucky ducks!!! xo
Rowe - Your photos make me want to visit India so badly… I adore the last photo if the girls in the golden glow of the afternoon light! Pink piggy tails is a pretty close 2nd!
Life with Kaishon - Wow. What a fantastic trip. I love the sights you shared from just this one day. I love traveling with children : ).
lena - Loved the images! And you are right – they did make me homesick for India:)
Letter from Saffy from India » Letters from the Larmours - […] Mama put some more pictures of us on the train on her work blog and you can see them over there […]
Debbie W - I feel like I am there taking the trip with you! Love all the details shots. The train looks like a fun train. Love Indy’s colorful bangles, and the pic where wind blowing her hair is just lovely! They are so lucky to be able to explore the world.
efi panagoula - thank god you exist..! i travel every time i see your pics…!