Project 10 time again – 10 photos throughout one day day…
I’ve been totally inspired by a project some of my photographer friends have been doing called “Kids were here” (See Summer and Ginger‘s take on this). It’s a project that documents the little ways our kids make their presence felt – I think we Mums can all relate – one day after the girls had gone to school I wandered around our apartment and photographed the little pieces of them they’d left behind… the dirty towels, the lined up toys, the love notes, the stickers on walls they shouldn’t be… the little things can can drive us crazy, or we can see them expressing themselves and becoming the little people we love to see blossom…. here’s a small collection of the things I found on just that one day…
A love note left on my desk <3
Evidence of the previous days paintingHome made ant curtain clip
A whole new land to have adventures in….
A yoyo, a cup, lipbalm, a pencil sharpener and the TV remote – doesn’t everyone have these things lined up handy on the arm of their sofa?
The current reading list…
One single sticker and shadows (living room wall!)
Piano playing hedgehog
lined up waiting for her return
The poor boy fairy needed a rest – slap bang in the middle of their bedroom floor!
These are such little treasures – sure, when I say “tidy your animals” I don’t mean put them in a line across your bed, but these are the little things my kids do – the little things that show they were here, that show their creativity and them expressing themselves 😀
Next time I think I’ll document the series of mini-messes the kids leave over a month, not just a day… Now head on over to see my friend Nancy of Nancy Lary Studios and see what they’ve been up to this month… until next time, Kirsty xx
our project ten: june 2013 » South Bend photographer, Granger children's photographer - […] Check out my friend Kirsty’s day as she documents evidence of her kids happy messes: […]
alpana - so lovely to have a glimpse into your kids’ world! I miss seeing their adorable faces but this is the next best thing:-) Their reading reminds me of what I used to read as a kid – Famous Five and Secret Seven. They aren’t as popular in the US but I got R a few books when I went to India last!
robyn oakenfold - how wonderful are these. your simple daily items really makes me so very happy… it is a quiet glimpse into your days. but i agree with alpana… i miss your sweet girls. oh and i must look up some of those books for my girls.
Summer - Umm yeah, we all have lipgloss, pink cups and pencil sharpeners all lined up on our couches. Ha. Love every one Kirsty. I’m convinced these kinds of photos will open the memory floodgates in a different way than any others we take. You amaze me. Xo