Until next month, Kirsty xx
Until next month, Kirsty xx
« Walking on the Irish Sea Coast | Abu Dhabi commercial photographerLetter to my Daughters – August 2013 »
Hi, I'm Kirsty, a lifestyle photographer and photography educator who lives in India. My approach to photography is to capture real life – with a little sparkle on top fueled by my obsession with pretty light. I want to treasure the moments that need to be remembered.
Grab a cup of tea and have a roam around my blog to see my photography style and ideas. (Check out the Details section up there on the menu bar, and the FAQ's for lots of info too). I post pictures on here from recent photo sessions, as well as some personal photo projects and some ramblings about life in general. Leave some love, check my page out over on Facebook to stay up to date, and come back again soon,
Kirsty xx
© 2025 Kirsty Larmour Photography – Storytelling Photography Worldwide|ProPhoto Custom Blog|Design by Northfolk & Co.
Amy Lucy Photography - […] Next please visit the blog of my dear friend and kindred spirit Kirsty Larmour | Abu Dhabi Photographer. […]
Mairi Clare - Hi Kirsty
Not quite so original as Indy, but Aaron did a similar topic last year and he was the only one who put anything remotely thoughtful (all the other children bar none put sports star/popstar). He wanted (and still wants) to be an engineer and palaeontologist – the TA apparently had to get the dictionary out to put the second one on the display.
It made me very proud that he knows his own mind and didn’t just follow the crowd. We continue to support his dream and will see what becomes of it in years to come – we have kept the sheet he wrote it on 🙂
Letters to Our Daughters | July 2013 » Minneapolis Photographer – Olive Avenue Photography - […] So everyday I sign to you…”You are good. You are smart. You are beautiful.” Everyday I pray that you let go a little more of the weight you’ve carried since the day you were orphaned. I pray that the innocence of childhood will return…and that you will run free. You’ve stumbled across our special photography project called Letters to Our Daughters. Follow the chain of letters written by amazing moms and photographers across the globe…starting with one of my photography heroes and one of the sweetest people you could hope to meet Kirsty Larmour | Abu Dhabi Photographer. […]
amy grace - you are the most amazing mama. i always know i will leave here feeling full. i know anything these girls will be will be ok, as long as they find their joy. and you will lead them there. you make the world good. you make it bigger. you make me want to stretch myself. xoxo
Kate - To bring up dreamers, children who can see beyond themselves and beyond the here and now is a great gift to them Kirsty, especially in this day and age – you are doing a wonderful and important job by stretching their imaginations
Kirsty - Mairi Clare, that’s wonderful 😀 I think in the pressure to teach kids schools sometimes forget to let them dream and follow their own paths – clearly the TA was not a Friends fan!!!
shalonda - KIRSTY! i read this post smiling…i can feel it, i can see it and you are one amazing mama to have captured it. THE DREAMS OF A 5 year old are truly magical and simply beautiful….incredible sweet friend just incredible
Debbie Wibowo - Dear Indy, when you invent a machine that can turn us into rainbow unicorn, I’ll definitely buy that machine. Because I want to have rainbow hair and rainbow wings, and fly to places. Like your mom said, keep your dreams alive and they will take you to beautiful places.
browserFruits Oktober #2 › kwerfeldein - Fotografie Magazin - […] • Tolle Kinderbilder von Kirsty Larmour. […]