Tomorrow marks the last day of school and the start of our Summer fun – in case you’ve not noticed I can’t wait!!!! And that also means we can start ticking things off our Summer Bucket List that I mentioned in my last Letter to the girls. Whilst there’s nothing I like more than just hanging out and seeing how the pattern of the day goes, I also love this time for doing fun things together as a family. Like so many people I start off the holidays with such good intentions of all the things we’re going to do, and suddenly September is upon us and we’ve only done half – not this year!!! Inspired by the Happy Family Movement’s Summer Bucket List, we’ve signed up for their challenge and made our list.
The bonus for us this year is that Ramadan also falls in the summer – Ramadan means lots of different things to different people – for most it’s a time of reflection and a deeply religious month, for some it’s a time to escape because Abu Dhabi shuts down, but for us, it’s a time to hang out as a family as my hard working husband gets off work early – it’s like having a whole extra day with him every week, and we love that.
So without further ado here’s our list….And here’s some of last summer’s summer fun 😀 we hope to do lots more just hanging out at the pool this summer….
(To my friend who owns the pool we were watering the plants, really!)
I’ll try and blog some of our fun activities and our progress through the list as summer passes, as well as some more of last summers antics
Have a great summer too, where ever you are, Kirsty xx
Carly - Can’t wait to follow along/live vicariously 🙂 Have fun you crazy Larmours!!
Kate - Hoooooooray for summer holidays… it looks like you’ll have a wonderful, fun filled time 😀 and I love these pictures of the girls having fun too
Jenny Solar - Love the photos!! And your bucket list! SO glad you’ve joined us for the Summer Bucket List Challenge! Hope your summer is super!
Sarah B - Loooooooove the out of focus pics Kirsty, so arty. And looooove that you’re doing this with your girls
Debbie Wibowo - absolutely a summer they won’t forget!!! <3 <3 <3
A Letter from Indy from Summer 2013 » Letters from the Larmours - […] Our Summer bucket list can be found on Mama’s work blog over HERE… […]