I missed last month!! My first time missing a month 🙁 and I would have loved to have blogged some photos but we were travelling and had no internet and I actually didn’t even take a laptop – never mind, maybe one day I’ll backdate a post for last month! Anyway… to this month…. and some photos from when we were at parents place in England a few weeks ago. My girls love baking, we do a lot ourselves, but they reeeeeeeeeally love baking with my Mum (I think she’s more patient, and lets them have more treats as they bake!! at least this is what I suspect given how few cupcakes they actually got out of this batch!!!) so the day started off in the kitchen…..You’ve gotta scrape out all the cake batter
Making the frosting and trying to catch the icing sugar on her tongue 😀
Decorating time
And then off for a walk to the village…. through the woods we go….
and over the fields….
We went to the Post Office to post Saffy’s hair – she sent it to The Little Princesses Trust a UK charity that makes wigs for sick kids
And back through the woods on the other side of the village….
I asked them for a photo…. this is what I got….
Obligatory photo with the grandparents!!! Yes, my parents are hilarious!!!
And almost home again…..
And that’s pretty much how we spent most of our days in the beautiful Yorkshire countryside – the kids loved feeding the cows and picking flowers and berries and baking and going for walks….
Now head on over to my lovely friend Robyn whose big girl just turned 5 😀
Until next month… (or last month if I get round to it!!), Kirsty xx
our project ten: september 2013 » Oh Lulu Blog - […] Please continue on to see what my friend Kirsty has been up to. I can pretty much promise she won’t have boring dog adoption story narrative to wade through: http://kirstylarmourblog.com/?p=4057 […]
Debbie W - Oooh..how envy I am looking at Saffy and Indy spending quality time with their grandparents! That pic of Saffy trying to catch sugar is just awesome!
Catherine - I LOVE the pics and your Mum and Dad!!! Xx
kati - Your babies are getting so BIG!! Tell Saffy her hair looks beautiful! xx
Janine - Fabulous! The girls look so happy. I love the hand holding…and the flour in the kitchen light. Jx
Janine - ….I just read that it’s icing sugar…:-) I’m up past midnight with insomnia.
rowe - what a gorgeous adventure… cooking and exploring woods and fields all in one day! so pretty… the light in the kitchen in the icing sugar photos is crazy beautiful!!!