Isn’t she adorable? And check out how big Mummy and Daddy’s smiles are!
Amira, you are gorgeous,More soon, Kirsty xx
PS yes, this is the sweet baby in the pink wrap on my blog header – can you believe it???
Isn’t she adorable? And check out how big Mummy and Daddy’s smiles are!
Amira, you are gorgeous,More soon, Kirsty xx
PS yes, this is the sweet baby in the pink wrap on my blog header – can you believe it???
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Hi, I'm Kirsty, a lifestyle photographer and photography educator who lives in India. My approach to photography is to capture real life – with a little sparkle on top fueled by my obsession with pretty light. I want to treasure the moments that need to be remembered.
Grab a cup of tea and have a roam around my blog to see my photography style and ideas. (Check out the Details section up there on the menu bar, and the FAQ's for lots of info too). I post pictures on here from recent photo sessions, as well as some personal photo projects and some ramblings about life in general. Leave some love, check my page out over on Facebook to stay up to date, and come back again soon,
Kirsty xx
© 2025 Kirsty Larmour Photography – Storytelling Photography Worldwide|ProPhoto6 Blog|Design by Northfolk & Co.
Kate Pizzo - Look how she’s grown! Beautiful Kirsty, absolutely great.
Erica - What a doll baby! Gorgeous images.
Erin - I am biased of course but I have to say- she is the cutest baby in the world! I am going to put her between two cookies and eat her- chocolate eyes and all. Great job Kirsty- can’t wait to see the entire selection- it will be impossible to choose!
Vinita - She makes me smile too!
Natalie - she’s so gorgeous! Love these Kirsty!
rowe timson - she is just gorgeous! cant wait to see more… r x
Rikki - Ohmygorgeousness! She is simply stunning, cannot wait to see more.
Lauren - She is the cutest and sweetest little princess!!!! Awwwwww!
janine - oh my, she is sooooo sweet 🙂 gorgeous work Kirsty 🙂
janine - oh my, she is sooooo sweet! gorgeous work as always, Kirsty.
Fadi - who is this princess ? where did she come from?
Kati - oh my. love those lashes. well done.
Antonina - How CUTE!