I failed miserably at documenting a whole day over the holiday period – we travelled so much, and saw so many people and well, generally just had too much fun!! So instead of a whole day, I have about 6 hours of one day… a morning walk with one lovely dog, and an afternoon walk with another!! It may be incomplete, but it was the kind of day I love….
Starting off with a few early morning instagrams…And then we headed off to the mountains and the forest to explore!
Stepping stones fun
Doggy No.1 the oh so cute Dougal
My 3 favourite people, in a tree
running away from Mummy in the forest
Climbing through trees that had fallen
With HER dog, Amber (Granny’s really, but when we’re there she’s HERS!!!)
Come on guys, hurry up!!!!
Cousin cuddles….
My original Project 10 group seems to be dwindling month by month but head on over to see my lovely friend Janine in Australia who has just done her first Project 10 post this month – she documents life with her boys just as it is and I love it…
Until next month, Kirsty xx
Mary - So lovely to see you and such lovely photos – and doesn’t Dougal photograph well! He loved hanging out with the girls. x
rowe - you might not have captured the entire day but you captured so many gorgeous moments! i love seeing your kids all rugged up in their polka dot jackets looking as cute as can be… and those ear muffs are beyond adorable!
Janine - it looks cold!! but who cares when you’re rugged up in all the pretty gear. looks like a perfect day to me. i heart dougal & amber. they remind me of characters from a lynley dodd book. what a sweet surprise that you linked to my 10 on 10. thanks honey. you’re looking fashionably gorgeous in your SP. xo