
Photography on the Fly | an e-learning course by Kirsty Larmour

It was a HUGE honour to be asked to speak at the ClickinMoms Click Away conference a few years ago, and even though I always thought I’d never want to teach photography I LOVED it!!!! So, having had so much fun it was even HUGER to be asked to write a Break Out for Click Photo School talking about my style of photography.

Kirsty Larmour Photography on the Fly Clickin Moms Break Out

What is a Break Out? It’s basically an e-book where I go into all the details of how I do what I do. But better than that – there are videos – yup, you get to see me shoot clients and my kids in a range of different environments and talk you through how I’m doing what I’m doing.  And I talk through my editing and my compositions and how I size up a scene to make sure I capture everything I want within it.

Learn how to Photograph Anywhere with "Photography on the Fly" by Kirsty Larmour | Click Photo School

Here are some screenshots of just a few pages….

Learn how to Photograph Anywhere with "Photography on the Fly" by Kirsty Larmour | Click Photo School

The Break Out is called “Photography on the Fly – using intuition and presence to capture life’s journey” I talk about how to capture exactly what you see and feel anywhere you go – and anyone who knows me knows I can talk about photography and travel forever! I talk about staying in the moment and not just observing life through a lens, but being there with your kids and experiencing it while capturing it all. If you’re travelling soon and have a basic grasp on photography already this is PERFECT for you!! And if you’re not travelling, then this is also perfect for you, because Photography on the Fly is all about being able to capture great photos ANYWHERE, from your own back yard to with clients. If you’re a photography beginner it covers the basics, and what settings I use to shoot the way I shoot, and SO. MUCH. MORE!!!

Learn how to Photograph Anywhere with "Photography on the Fly" by Kirsty Larmour | Click Photo School

The PDF is over 150 pages long and illustrated with hundreds of photos from my photography work and from my travels – and given that my family took a year out and travelled for a year last year that’s a LOT of gorgeous places to be inspired by!! (And if you didn’t know about our travels you can read more over HERE! Please feel free to have a nosey – you’ll see more of the photos that are featured in the Break Out too) Each photo I’ve used has been carefully chosen to demonstrate an aspect of photography that I write about.

ClickinMoms who originally published this BreakOut said this about Photography on the Fly

“In this Breakout Kirsty will take you through how she looks for great light and compositions no matter who she’s photographing, or where she is, and how she captures emotion and environment to take the viewer right into that moment in time. She’ll share through her thought process in weighing up a scene so that she can be present in these moments, wherever in the world they are. She will guide you through her gear and camera setting choices and how they help her to make intuitive decisions when taking photos. She’ll talk you through how she engages with and encourages her subjects to capture authentic moments and carefree wonder in her images. The sections are broken down into bite sized chunks so that you can slowly work through all the different elements that combine to make compelling and truthful images. Kirsty’s Breakout is full of inspiring imagery from her travels and her client sessions, and she will help you to believe in your own ability to capture the authentic moments in your life anywhere.

In the videos you’ll get a chance to see how Kirsty works as she talks through what she was seeing and doing whilst making photos.

Kirsty’s thought process allows her to literally, photograph on the fly and will help you to do the same. Whether you’re photographing beautiful clients, your kids in your own back yard, your annual family vacation, or globe trotting like Kirsty, she will lead you on a journey to make your own photography become more intuitive, so that you can soak up the moments no matter where YOU are!”

The Break Out is available to purchase direct from me (see button below), and once purchased you get to keep the materials to refer to forever – it’s not a limited time thing 😀

HERE is a video telling you a little more about it

All that’s left for me to say is that I poured my little heart into it, so thank you to all the people who’ve supported me and cheered me on – I have received the most beautiful feedback and got to know the world of some beautiful photographers the world over – and ultimately I hope it helps to inspire you too, to Photograph on the Fly,

much love, Kirsty xx


Buy “Photography on the Fly” for $30

Or find the mini-travel guide

Buy My Mini-Travel Guide $10

I'm Kirsty Hello There!


Hi, I'm Kirsty, a lifestyle photographer and photography educator who lives in India. My approach to photography is to capture real life – with a little sparkle on top fueled by my obsession with pretty light. I want to treasure the moments that need to be remembered.

Grab a cup of tea and have a roam around my blog to see my photography style and ideas. (Check out the Details section up there on the menu bar, and the FAQ's for lots of info too). I post pictures on here from recent photo sessions, as well as some personal photo projects and some ramblings about life in general. Leave some love, check my page out over on Facebook to stay up to date, and come back again soon,

Kirsty xx

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