I mentioned in my January Project 10 that we’d just come back from India. We spent a couple of days in Chennai, a wonderful, vibrant city in the south, before we headed over to the amazing Andaman Islands. I feel so lucky that my kids have taken to travelling so incredibly well, that they’re fascinated by the things they see and hear and smell and eat and that they approach it all with enthusiasm and interest – it makes taking them places and travelling so much easier, not to mention more fun!!
We visited a Hindu temple in Chennai, and the girls loved the colours and the statues of the Gods, and the space, and the fact that there were lots of cows hanging around….
And I loved that Indy had chosen to wear this dress that she loves so much by Courtney Courtney… how fabulously does it go with the vibrancy of the temple? The painted mandalas on the floor were perfect for doing twirls in in Indy’s opinion!! I think she wore this dress nearly every day on holiday – although to be fair, she did change about 5 times every day!!!
I keep saying more travel stories coming soon… the reality is the spinning plates of running a business and running a home and bringing up kids and doing the school run/parties/doctors visits/dancing classes etc etc means I rarely get around to editing pictures of my family, and my kids doing the things we love the most… my 2012 resolution is to stop work at a reasonable hour and to do more for us, to help preserve our family memories too, to edit pictures, just like these, of my sweetie pie, enthralled by somewhere we travelled to – so maybe, just maybe, you’ll get to see us in Cambodia, and Bangkok and on some of our other 2011 travels soon, 😉
Kirsty xx
Carrie Terrones (Las Vegas Photographer) - Kristy, these are just beautiful. I hope my children take to traveling when they are old enough like yours have. You are providing them with amazing experiences!!!
Heather Deterding - What amazing experiences, I agree! I loved looking at these!
Donelle - These are gorgeous, all the colors are amazing!
Mary Schannen - I’m in love with your work! These are amazing!
Val Spring - Kirsty, what an amazing way you spend childhood. I love your life and adore the way to document it. She’s such a beautiful little girl!
Stephanie Moore {Tucson AZ Photographer} - Oh Kirsty the color is GORGEOUS! BEAUTIFUL job, these are perfect!
Angela - Oh wow, all of these colors are so amazing! Great job!
Lena - LOVE them Kirsty!!!! And Indy’s dress goes so well with the temples colors – she did a great job picking out her dress:) The last image is to die for – if it were me (and I had wall space for it) I would so print it out large somewhere – such a cool shot! Cannot wait to see images from other trips – (it is a great resolution by the way and I am working hard to make it happen myself!)
robyn oakenfold - oh Kirsty… all the colours are so beautiful, your Indy is gorgeous… the surrounds are unreal. love every single image!
Janine - Just beautiful! Jesse liked them too…he thinks the calf is a dog and i couldn’t persuade him otherwise. Sounds like a good plan for 2012, Kirsty. Jx
leah - I saw this on facebook. Just love the colors with the haze, and beautiful little girl!
shannon - love the juxtaposition of a child simply being a wondeful child in such an amazingly spiritual and ancient place. So many fantastic shots!
Callie - love them all. love the colors and love your perspective.
tamara - Beautiful documenting of your trip. Love the colors and her dress is perfect love it!