I am SO excited to be part of another BreakOut for Click Photo School!!!! I love their BreakOuts as a short, sweet means of learning at your own pace and they’re just such incredibly good value. This one is with 4 other amaaaazingly talented artists – like so much talent that my jaw hit the desk when ClickinMoms told me who they were and I wanted to crawl under said desk and say “but I can’t, I’m just little me!!” because I felt so intimidated by how super star they were. But I didn’t, and I set to work to capture photos and videos and to talk and pour passion into it as its the only way I know.
The Moment Before is a more advanced class/e-book/series of videos than my last (solo – eeek that was scary!) BreakOut “Photography on the Fly” – that one was aimed at a range of photographers, from beginners upwards and talked about how to become intuitive with your photography so you can capture moments and scenes wherever you go. This one is best described in ClickinMoms own words:
Are beautiful moments created, anticipated, or is it a combination of the two? Go behind the scenes to see how five photographers capture extraordinary moments. You’ll learn how each photographer captured magic and why the “perfect” shot is more compelling than the rest in the series. Through pullbacks, video commentary, shooting videos, outtakes, and more, you’ll get an in-depth look at the moments leading up to the perfect shot!
• How to anticipate or create the perfect shot
• What makes a shot more compelling than the rest in the series
• How to create the perfect shot from the imperfect moments and images that came before
• How Twyla Jones, Kirsty Larmour, Lacey Monroe, Elise Meader and Yan Palmer create magical images
An 180+ page eBook full of beautiful photographs of the “perfect” moment and the images that came right before the magic happened.
Over six hours of videos with the photographers– you’ll see shooting videos, commentary, pullbacks, outtakes and more!
An interview about capturing the moment with Twyla Jones, Kirsty Larmour, Lacey Monroe, Elise Meader and Yan Palmer.
Q & A video
You get videos from me, describing how I capture the moment, whether I encourage it to happen or sit back and let it evolve. I talk a lot – you can almost hear me animatedly waving my hands as I explain and describe and share my passions!! And I how behind the scenes videos in a range of environments, and then the resulting photos and talk about why they mean something to me. This is for the photographer who already knows what they’re doing with their camera, but wants something MORE to take things to the next level.
Here’s a little trailer to show you 🙂
I can’t wait to have you join us all over there and learn how to create beautiful, real, truthful moments in your photography,
Kirsty xx
Edited to add: Now that the live run of the BreakOut is over it is still available to purchase, download and study at your own pace – you can find it over here
And you can find my “Photography on the Fly” Breakout over here