I’m nervous… this week I’m starting another new personal project… it’s on a subject closer to my heart than any I can imagine… it involves pictures, and words… the pictures come easily, mostly… the words, not always so much… but I’m excited, and invigorated and motivated by the sheer importance of it… and I’m humbled and honoured to be in a group with the other amazing ladies who will be part of this journey too… as each month we write a Letter to our Daughters…
I hope to share my dreams, hopes and fears, my pride and my worries and my observations on the young women they will become. I want to see how their, and my past shapes them, and where their future will take them… I want to focus more on taking photos of them… which really captures the essence of them… sometimes the letters will be to one daughter, sometimes both.. sometimes I’ll have lots of photos, and sometimes I’m sure a single image will speak volumes on its own… I’m not sure if I’ll ramble on (I fear that’s what I’m doing right now) or if the letters will be more concise and direct but I’m excited… this is important…
I hope you’ll follow along, with us as we start this journey later this week…. in the meantime here’s the beautiful group so you can go check out their own amazing photography and stories….
Amy Lockheart | Jess Sandager | Sarah Lynn Cornish | Valeria Spring | Emma Wood | Julia Rodgers Stotlar
Jody McKitrick | Rashmi Pappu | Stephanie Beaty
Kirsty xx
Jody - I’m getting more nervous as the launch date gets closer, but I’m so excited to be apart of this with such a talented and sweet bunch of women.
Louise - Oh, you will be wonderful my friend- no need to be nervous – I’m sure it’ll be beautiful
Jill - you’re right, it is important! I’m glad your doing it! I hope we get to follow along.
SarahInParis - Awesome idea ladies. I’m looking forward to seeing the letters as well as the stunning photos. Kirsty you have SOOOOOO many images of your gorgeous girls you wonderful Mummy you!!
Rashmi - Oh Kirsty.. the project has not even started and I already feel so blessed… for my path to cross with the paths of all of you beautiful ladies. I can’t wait to read your letters to your gorgeous girls. xoxo
Julia - So happy and honored to be a part of this with you. My nerves are kicking in too, but I know in my heart that no matter what, these images and letters will be priceless to our girls. You said it perfectly, this IS important.
Letter to my Daughters | April 2012 » Kirsty Larmour Photography – Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Photography - […] is the first of my letters that I introduced a couple of days ago. They won’t always be picture perfect, or eloquent, but they will be from the heart, and […]
Letter to my Daughters | May 2012 » Kirsty Larmour Photography – Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Photography - […] is the second of my letters that I introduced last month (the first is here). They won’t always be picture perfect, or eloquent, but they will be from […]
Letter to my Daughters | July 2012 » Kirsty Larmour Photography – Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Photography - […] is the fourth of my letters that I introduced in April. They won’t always be picture perfect, or eloquent, but they will be from the heart, and […]
Letter to my Daughters August 2012 » Kirsty Larmour Photography – Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Photography - […] is the fifth of my letters that I introduced in April. As the months go by I find myself looking forward to this project more and more and treasuring […]
Letter to my Daughters | June 2012 » Kirsty Larmour Photography – Abu Dhabi Lifestyle Photography - […] is the third of my letters that I introduced in April. They won’t always be picture perfect, or eloquent, but they will be from the heart, and […]