
Tag Archives: abu dhabi kids photographer

Artifact Motherhood | February 2021

Artifact motherhood is a collaboration of artists/mothers from around the world. Sharing stories of the joys and struggles of our journey. Our hopes and dreams for our children.

A ballerina in the desert

It’s hard to believe it’s been 18 months since we left Abu Dhabi behind and jumped across the Arabian Sea to India. It’s hard because Abu Dhabi is in all of our hearts, it’s a place that made us who we are as a family, and definitely made me who I am as an artist and photographer.

30 days of | Click Pro December Project

I shared some previous ClickPro monthly projects. I love that these push me to look for different photo opportunities that I might not try otherwise. In December the topic was quite loose…. just “30 days of…” and you could choose your own topic but then shoot it every day. I chose “30 days of my…

Wish You Were Here 2017

I’m kind of in disbelief that we just finished year 4 of the Wish You Were Here Project. The fact it’s still going is such testament to the wonderful group pf ladies who contribute little snippets of their lives each week. For me it’s a little piece of calm in an otherwise full speed whirr of…

A Rainbow Beach trip

Another summers day in Abu Dhabi, another trip to the beach! When you’re stuck slogging it out here in the heat and need a change Saadiyat beach is perfect – not necessarily refreshing, if I’m honest, because the water feels like bath water this time of year and the salt makes it sticky, but it’s…

Beach Explorations

I love it when we venture a bit further afield and stumble across new places to explore – a friend had described where this place was to me and when I found it the beach there was perfect like that. Not too much else around, some houses way over in the distance but nothing much to…

Oh that desert light | Abu Dhabi desert shoot

I really am so very lucky to do what I do in such a beautiful part of the world. When people contact me for an Abu Dhabi desert shoot we chat a lot about where and when and what to wear and how the session will go – there is a little more planning needed…

Happy National Day | Pieces of Life

It’s been a few years since I photographed my girls in their kandoras celebrating National Day – and as we’ve just returned to Abu Dhabi after a year away and the girls needed new kandoras I thought this was the perfect time – and so we popped down to the beach late in the afternoon to…

Pieces of Life | Kite flying on the beach

It was her birthday… she turned 9…. She’s the kind of kid that wants to run free… and so that was what she did… with her 3 favourite people, and a kite, on a windy Moroccan beach…. These are the times I want to always remember….. Remember you can also visit all the other wonderful…

Pieces of Life | Seeing McCurry

Aaaaah, I’m late to the game posting my January Pieces of life project – it’s been a busy old month – full of excitement and business and friends and laughter and amazing places – and not very much decent internet or editing time!!! One of our highlights of the month was visiting the Steve McCurry…

The one into 2 Project | Week 52

“One city, one passion, 2 people, 2 styles…. One theme, one week, 2 pictures, 2 interpretations – the One into 2 Project” Week 52 – The End Kirsty Larmour Photography Jillian Greenhill Photography I am so sad… this is the final week of this Project – Jillian and I started it to show how we…

The One into 2 Project | Week 47

“One city, one passion, 2 people, 2 styles…. One theme, one week, 2 pictures, 2 interpretations – the One into 2 Project” Week 47 – deep Kirsty Larmour Photography Jillian Greenhill Photography This is a project between 2 photographers in the same city showing how we both make different interpretations of the world around us…

The One into 2 Project | Week 42

Kirsty Larmour is in internationally recognised award winning photographer who works on this project with her friend, fellow Abu Dhabi photographer, Jillian Greenhill

Letter to my Daughters | May 2014

Now head to see the letter of Wendy Laurel in Hawaii, until next month xx

The One into Two Project | Week 27

“One city, one passion, 2 people, 2 styles…. One theme, one week, 2 pictures, 2 interpretations – the One into 2 Project” Week 27 – green Kirsty Larmour Photography Jillian Greenhill Photography This is a project between 2 photographers in the same city showing how we both make different interpretations of the world around us…

I'm Kirsty Hello There!


Hi, I'm Kirsty, a lifestyle photographer and photography educator who lives in India. My approach to photography is to capture real life – with a little sparkle on top fueled by my obsession with pretty light. I want to treasure the moments that need to be remembered.

Grab a cup of tea and have a roam around my blog to see my photography style and ideas. (Check out the Details section up there on the menu bar, and the FAQ's for lots of info too). I post pictures on here from recent photo sessions, as well as some personal photo projects and some ramblings about life in general. Leave some love, check my page out over on Facebook to stay up to date, and come back again soon,

Kirsty xx

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